I am innovator in Live Experience Design (LXD), a methodology for creating extraordinary experiences for the purpose of education, entertainment, motivation, engagement, assesment etc. My team runs a business group that designs experiental events, services and processes.

dvorisce 2 1900

Summer night at the Walnut Grove.







Please call +386 31 834 513 if you are interested in SPECIAL EXPERIENTAL PROJECTS that will create memorable experiences for:

- participants in your EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS (education design)

- guests at your special EVENTS (event design)

- guests/clients at your VENUES OR TOURIST ATTRACTIONS attractions and alike (tourism service design)

- employees, business partners or other stakeholders that you want to ENGAGE IN YOUR PROCESSES (process design)


The barn at the Walnut grove.

The Era of Live Experience Design

Live Experience Design (LXD) is a methodology that we have been developing for the last 10 years. 1000 events, 80 experiental programs and many extraordinary experiences later it has evolved in a 40-point checklist that is being used daily by the Walnut Grove Group in designing conferences, events, programs and tourism services.

The LXD model evolves around 3 main pillars. The first is “classic” experience design, very much influenced by thy work of Pine&Gilmore (The experience economy), but also by the psychological and anthropological insights into what gives pleasure to human beings.

The second pillar is the Hero’s journey model, the universal model for storytelling and a simple tool for improving dramaturgy of our events. The model is also valuable for reminding us on the importance of Jungian archetypes for creating memorable experiences (hero, enemy, mentor…).

The third pillar of the LXD model is based on the game design principles. The video game industry has taught us so much about how to design experiences that keep people immersed for hours and days. It’s high time that we use this knowledge when we create events, education formats, tourism services or any other experiences.

Talking politcs and love at the FM larp, one of the most extraordinary experiences in the word.

Talking politcs and love at the FM larp, one of the most extraordinary experiences in the word.







Genres and methodologies

We do a variety of projects, but most of our work is based on world-class corporate entertainment and educational programs, which are often a combination of the following experiental genres:

- participatory conferences

- interactive shows

- escape rooms and programs for up to 70 people (we also operate our own Dragon Temple Escape room – www.dragontemple.si)

- murder mystery events

- live action role playing events

- other interactive and experiental genres


- The Walnut Grove group organises more than 200 experiental events annualy, from corporate events, team buildigns, weddings to bespoke education events. The groups includes a venue, a catering service and creative&experiental agency The TeamBuildingLab.

- The Dragon Temple Escape Room- our experiental game for groups up to 6 people. The Dragon Temple also serves as an assesment centre for HR competencies and as a training cente for our game-masters.

- We currently operate about 50 different ready-made experiental programs aimed at a variety of target groups – corporations, children, families, adult thrill seekers etc.

- We designed more that 15 new experiental programs in 2016/2017 alone. Some examples include: The Checkpoint, en educational game on the refugeee crisis; Digital shift – an educationa game for several hundred people; My micro brewery – beer entertainment evenig show; Brotherhood of the wise seagull – puzzle based team building program for up to 35 people; The Grand Speakesy –  live action mafia game for 150 people; The estate on the edge of the woods – a murder mystery for 40 people, Ljubljana Dragon Academy and 3 other programs for children etc;


#moderator #facilitator #kreativne delavnice #govornik #motivacijski govori #igrifikacija #doživetja #zgodbe #trener #kreativno razmišljanje # participativni dogodki

#facilitator #creative workshops #speaker #motivational talks #gamification #experiences #stories #coach #creative thinking # participatoty events

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